Tuesday, April 10, 2012

hijrah (:

assalamualaikum w.b.t .

first thing first, this is only a short post as i am struggling for final exam. cewah. oke2 serious! this post only to let u guys to know dat there are few pictures that i have to delete as it exposed "thing" that should not be exposed by a muslim. i was thinking to delete all the pictures but maybe later cuz i think its not too much or until i make up my mind but m not procrastinate. it just, i think those pictures left were under controlled . for those people that have pictures together with me i am sorry cuz i have to delete those pictures also.  
then, i am still zuazlina zulkefly , the AWESOME , but as i'm on hijrah to be a gud muslimah, so as stated in Quran, ... enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience. { al-asr : 3 } for any advices or corrections for my wrongdoings or any, like any of ANYTHING to share just tell me thru fb *zuazlina zulkefly * or easily post your comments here . m PLEASURE to receive any guidance to improve myself n us together . 

a whole lot thanks to someone that means ah-lot to me , that made me realized that i procrastinate so long already and i owe him much . may Allah blesses him, his life n us . for his story, i.Allah i'll tell u guys later (:  and bunch of thanks to my friends that pray for me, n accept me all the way i am, support me in many kind of ways, with their beautiful words n share with me any websites n pages that did help me a lot to increase my knowledge and discover the real beauty for being a muslim. 
erk. this post getting longer already. hee (: sorry, so i guess thats all from me for nuw. wish me all d best in final, till then (: 
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."


Nurfarhana Rosli said...

Alhamdulillah. Hope that all of us become istiqamah in our ibadah n may us become a very good muslimah. Ya Allah, tetapkanlah hatiku dalam memegang teguh agamaMu.

dyanakhai said...

Alhamdulillah :)
I'll watch ur back, ukhti !
sama2 mengingstkan sesama kita. insyaAllah :)
p/s rindu :')

Aku Normal said...

Sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat memberi petunjuk kepada orang yang kamu kasihi, tetapi Allah memberi petunjuk kepada orang yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mahu menerima petunjuk. (Surah al-Qasas, 28:56) alhamdulillah alin. kadang - kadang kita tak perlu bagitahu orang sejahat mana kita in the past or siapa kita yang dulu. mungkin Allah akan tutup aib kita once kita dah berubah. who knows ? Allah ialah sebaik - baik perancang :)

Haji Hazidi Alang Ahmad said...
