Wednesday, April 24, 2013

yeay me!

Foa, Assalamualaikum wbt (:
okayyy okayy why yeay me? sbb here i am nak mengotakan janji nak post a new blog LAST YEAR . i said "nak kumpulkan gambar wutsoeve n update SOON" but m so sorry. lots of things yang i have to settle down then internet connection problem lg, tunggu punya tunggu till now i already continue my study at local university nun di jauhh sana~ :D

so macam banyak nak di sharekan but m pretty sure ta sempat nak cerita semua dalam satu post ni. so i ikut by chapter. *cecehhh, chapter mana pun ceq tatao*  so blasah jela now mane je yg i ingat.

ouhh ya! last year time i menyepi on dat time lah i kena chicken pox or demam campak. *frankly speak i dunnoe mane 1 chicken pox, mne 1 demam cmpak ke dua2 sama?*     errrr, nevermind ~ so parut di muka i agak terukk n the other part of my body jugak laa. al maklumlah da besar2 baru nak kena so susah nak hilang. now pun actually on my face, right side kat cheek i ade lagi parut tu n certain people assume tu tahi lalat laa, lesung pipit laaa. -,-

klaulahh mata anda tajam, ada je black small tiny little spot cop maharaja dari kerajaan chicken pox yang masih ada smpai sekarang. pity me ):  and btw, this picture was taken before i smbung blaja march haritu. on dat time i hang out with amirah nadia n nur liyana. my lovely trio (: 

si jelita yana n si hot miera ~

what else yaa yang jadi ? hmmm~ short term memory i am. as i keje after habes matrik tu sebulan je, after sbulan tu demam cmpak then i ta keje dahh tapi busy jaga my anak buah yang makin bertambah. seriously on dat time sgt penat cuz kakak i from sabah tiggal ngan kitorang then the other kakak plak dalam pantang then i busy jaga rumah, buat housework, jaga anak buah. phew~  now u know y i ta sempat blog-ing. *cecehhh* 

ouhh ya, i ada jugak gi join my sis nye family day, went to picnic n went to cameron highlands right before i smbung my study dekat ......... Uitm Arau, Perlis. for dat story next post i continue okay? :D

so done for the mukadimah , ni baru acknowledgement nanti2 i continue lagi. wish me luck to berperang ngan masa so that i can manage my time properly n dapat blog-ing lagi. i know u miss me. hahahah. *evil laugh*  okayy bawak mengucap. later i continue okayy. wait for me. i promise u the best from me in next post. hahaha. 

salam dan senyum (: 

sincerely yang lama menyepi tapi akan kembali lagi,
zuazlinazulkefly <3

1 comment:

cengkerangpanas said...

Always Update your blog ye allylubly..

<< pembaca tegar blog orang !!

hahaha -_-